Sunday, December 9, 2012

Second Stage

Trisma's Carnaval 2012

What is I Feel After

I've been here before a few times
And I'm quite aware we're dying
And your hands they shake with goodbyes
And I'll take you back if you'd have me
So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready

Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel you
Kiss you, taste you all night

And I'll miss your laugh your smile
I'll admit I'm wrong if you'd tell me
I'm so sick of fights I hate them
Lets start this again for real

So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready
So here I am I'm trying
So here I am are you ready

Come on let me hold you, touch you, feel you
Kiss you, taste you all night
Touch you, feel you
Kiss you, taste you all night


Saturday, December 1, 2012

School Project

Yey udah lama ga ngeblog, yuk biar makin rame, silahkan liat postingan ga jelas berikut ini :D


Salah satu ilustrasi yang aku buat waktu ngebantuin buat poster untuk anak-anak SD tentang masalah bahaya rokok

Ini dia salah satu tugas Photoshop dari Pak Adi Su, guru TI d sekolahku. Disuruh buat cover buku eh jadinya kayak gini, wkwk lagi buntu ide, yaudah aku buat cover majalah Hai dengan pemanis CL3 haha

This is KITA jacket design

Gambar ni iseng aku buat waktu diajarin pake path tool di Photoshop

Tugas Corel, haha hayo siapa ini y? :p